How to convert MP3 to WAV with Winamp

Convert a file into MP3 format WAV

There are many programs that can convert a file into MP3 format to WAV, but if we WinAmp, because install another program? .

To convert an MP3 to WAV with WinAmp have to press CTRL convert MP3 to WAV with WinAmp P and go to Plug-ins convert MP3 to WAV with WinAmp Output to see the list of Plug-ins installed by default filter is active DirectSound or waveOut which is in charge of exit the audio sound card and listen to our speakers, but if we change the plug-in and select Nullsoft Disk Writer (Nullsoft Disc Recorder) the output will be a WAV file in the selected folder on your disk hard. To set the quality, format and other options must click on the Configure button.

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