Software documents

Create a password for a Word file

Sometimes we work with documents that are not to be seen by others, or even share your computer with other people and are afraid to open our files and modify them. To prevent this from happening, we teach you to protect your Word documents with password. There are three simple steps:
– In the menu bar, open File and select Save As (or press F12) – Enter the Tools section located next to the Save button, and there you choose General Options.
– You can choose a password that can open the file (open password) and also to protect it against the incorporation of elements (write password).

Other ways to get to the option to save the document with a password:

Open the menu, then go to the Information section, and finally the Protect Document.

Go to Review (Word 2007 onwards) menu, and click on the Protect Document button, where you have some more specific options.

located software, software documents, software elements, software fileSometimes, software options, software others