Graphic design regular

Photoshop tricks: merging multiple photos

Merging multiple photos into one is one of the most used features for photo-montages and other creations with Photoshop. Let’s see how to do so following this basic tutorial.

For starters, we selected two photos.
As an example we take the following:

First, we open the photo one. Double-click the background layer (Background) to convert it into a regular layer. We go to Image graphic design Canvas size (image graphic design Canvas Size) and put the values in the image below.

We make sure the unit is in pixels, and the arrows pointing down. A property of Alto (Height) we put 1600 and give OK.

Now, move the picture of the dog a little above, so that the head touches the top edge of the image.

Then we open the image of the puppies. Press Ctrl graphic design A to select the entire image. We can also go to Select graphic design All (Select graphic design All). Copy the image and paste into large and dog:

Now, having selected the layer with the photo 2, click on add mascara. next to the photo of the youngest dogs a white square appears.

Now, click on the gradient tool (if you do not see it, go to the Paint Bucket tool, click the arrow that is down and there will appear).
We choose a gradient from white to black and leave the linear way.

Subsequently, we have to draw a line, using the gradient tool and as shown in the image, from the head of the puppies to the upper edge of the image of the puppies.

In the layers panel we will look something like this:

As we see, what is in black is what is clear and what is white is what remains of the image to which you apply the mascara.

graphic design appears, graphic design features for photo-montages, graphic design layers, graphic design photos, graphic design puppies to the, graphic design regular, graphic design remains, graphic design starters, graphic design values, selected graphic design