Graphic design patterns

How many times have you dreamed of changing the color of your eyes? Well, for some it may be a dream, while others will be satisfied with his. But to play a little, taking advantage of the benefits of Photoshop, we will learn how to change the eye color to give a different touch to our photo ies.

Let’s start with a basic change color.

We will use the following image for example:

With the ellipse tool or method to mask, we make a round selection in the eye:

As we see, the selection includes more than the colored part of the eye, so we will have to subtract graphic design remove a portion of the mask. For this we will use the Lasso tool. With the lasso tool selected, we check that the mode of selection is that of removing, and make a mark like the red line:

Once the mask covering only the part that interests us, we just have to copy (CTRL graphic design C) and paste (Ctrl graphic design V) into a new layer, or simply press Ctrl graphic design J, which will double the original layer but containing only what is inside the selection.

So the layers would be:

To make a basic change of color, we do with adjusting Hue graphic design Saturation found in the graphic design graphic design Hue graphic design Saturation, and test the following values:

Hue: graphic design graphic design Saturation: 0 graphic design Brightness: 0

That is the color that will be using these parameters. Of course changing the values of Hue, we will notice a difference in colors. So we’ll try to reach the color you want. If we want brighter colors, we change the saturation value to one larger than 0, and if we want the color is opaque, back off.

Change your eye color with layer styles

We can play a bit with other effects to create different colors of eyes. For example, as follows.

We open the photo and select the eye as we saw in the previous steps. Copy and paste the selection into a new layer, or press Ctrl graphic design J to have a different eye only to the original layer.

We click with the right mouse button and choose blending options (blending options) and select Gradient Overlay (Gradient Overlay). Using the following parameters will get the kind of colors we see in the photo above:

Another way to change the color with serious style using Pattern Overlay layer (Pattern Overlay). We get something like this:

For this purpose, we remove and choose Gradient Overlay Pattern Overlay. We use these values. (The reason we use will depend on the reasons that we have loaded into our Photoshop).
Simply, we chose to use texture and change the blending mode. In this case, we use a texture that comes with Photoshop, but sometimes is not charged. For that, click on the arrow to the right, and it will display a panel. In this panel, we chose Natural and there find the same texture. For the blending mode, in this example we use Soft Light (Soft light) that is best is using that texture. There are textures that go best with other modes of fusion.

Consider the last blending mode:

For the latter purpose, we will use Inner Shadow (Inner Shadow) and Inner Glow (Inner Glow) with the following parameters.

And that’s it. We can try different values, colors, patterns, or invent our own way to change the color of your eyes.

charged graphic design, dreamed graphic design, graphic design includes, graphic design layers, graphic design others, graphic design patterns, graphic design reasons, graphic design sometimes, graphic design textures, loaded graphic design