Explained customize the Recycle Bin

Teexplicaremos easily and quickly, as customizing your Recycle Bin, as you can see, this type of work will seem very funny, because we only need to follow the steps explained below and as we can modify at will the image Recycle Bin.

It is clear that we have to be very careful but because edit the Windows registry, and any changes other than prescribed by us, may cause problems in the system, so it would not be to our liking make an error of this type .


We just need to have a Windows XP, has not been tested on Windows Vista, so we recommend not to do it.

Steps to customize the Recycle Bin

1. First you have to go home and click Run.
2. Then we have to type the word Regedit.
3. Click OK.
4. A window will open, look for the following address: HKEYCLASESROOTCLSID645FFO4O-5081-101B-9FO8-00AA002F954E.
5. We click Default recycle bin and change the name we want.
6. Addressing this address: HKEYCLASESROOTCLSID645FFO4O-5081-101B-9FO8-00AA002F954EDefaultIcon.
7. Double click on Empty and we will throw the following address: SystemRootSystem32shell32. dll 32.
8. We will change the number 32 by the number 20.
9. Repeat with the word Full.
10. Close the Registry Editor.
11. Restart Windows.

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