Displayed Windows hidden components to install or uninstall

Windows hidden components to install or uninstall

Some components of Windows are not displayed in the Add Windows hidden components to install or uninstall remove control panel, because Microsoft has hidden the option of free access to those components.

If we have to access them desocultarlos. Let c: windowsinf and there sysoc locate the file.
inf. We open it with notepad.

We can see how the Components section some elements contain the words or hide HIDE (hidden). For example:

NetOC = netoc. dll NetOcSetupProc, netoc. inf, 7

iis = iis. dll OcEntry, iis. inf, 7

AccessOpt = ocgen. dll OcEntry, optional. inf, HIDE, 7

Pinball = ocgen. dll OcEntry, pinball. inf, HIDE, 7

So what we have to do is simple. HIDE replace the text by a comma:

Then save the file and go to panel Add or Remove Windows Components, where we can see that are listed for installation or uninstallation components that previously were hidden.

displayed Windows hidden components to install or uninstall, listed Windows hidden components to install or uninstall for installation, Windows hidden components to install or uninstall access to those, Windows hidden components to install or uninstall components to install, Windows hidden components to install or uninstall desocultarlos, Windows hidden components to install or uninstall elements