Conditioned aplicaciones

It seems that those who use the network to learn about health issues and chronic diseases are not only the sick, but also those who are responsible for caring for them. A very significant figure, taken from the first findings of the Annual Report 2015 of e-patients of people, an online community for those affected by serious disease that started in 2012.

Conducted among 24,767 users of the platform in various European countries, the study shows that e-patients have, according to people who predominantly caretaker role.
It also reflects greater involvement of women, 70 users, compared to men, 30.

Moreover, the CEO of People, Tomas Garcia, noted that one of the things that are evident in the report is that the way in which the diagnosis and the daily contact with outside consultation disease is treated varies drastically from from country to country.

In Spain, as in other Mediterranean countries, this response is conditioned by the fact that caring for a patient with a chronic disabling disease usually falls to the family, while elsewhere, the administration normally available to the sick a set of tools for managing their disease. A situation that determines the behavior of e-patients.

In Spain and Italy much of the interactions registered in the Community ‘of People, in which users can talk to others in the same situation section, deal with emotional support, comfort and sociability of patients .

As for the data by disease, the report notes that, in Spain, Alzheimer’s is one that involves greater emotional meaning for those who suffer in their environment. He attributes the difficulty of obtaining aid dependency, what it means to be home to a patient with advanced disease and limited resources to treat it.

In other very different, such as diabetes or celiac disease, people pointing the lack of information and assistance to patients by the state, referring to the intense pace of inquiries recorded in your community about nutritional issues.

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