Changing the language of Windows 7 remains

Changing the language of Windows 7

There is nothing more annoying to use Windows or any application with a language we do not know. And it is that while we have a basic knowledge of a language other than ours, sometimes you understood a single word can not cause us to do something we should not, and then come the problems and headaches.

Here’s how to change the language in Windows 7, something very simple because Microsoft provides us the option to download the official package of the operating system via automatic updates, and so we make sure that the translation will be correct and professional.

Once you download the package, what remains is to go to Control Panel, and look for the section Changing the display language, which is within Clock, Language, and Region. Then, on the Keyboard tab and languages you have the option to edit and manage other languages. All details on how to change the language in Windows 7 in the next video.

Changing the language of Windows 7 details, Changing the language of Windows 7 headaches, Changing the language of Windows 7 languages, Changing the language of Windows 7 problems and headaches, Changing the language of Windows 7 provides, Changing the language of Windows 7 remains, Changing the language of Windows 7 sometimes, Changing the language of Windows 7 updates