Aplicaciones solutions and hiperconvergentes

EMC will hold a new edition of his landmark event for IT professionals, EMC Forum 2015, next Thursday, October 22, in the Kinepolis cinemas in Madrid (Pozuelo de Alarcón).

Throughout the day, they will show and discuss the latest trends that are transforming IT and business in the era of digital economy, such as cloud storage software-defined, Big Data Analytics, All-Flash or converged solutions and hiperconvergentes.

This year, EMC Forum was held under the theme Redefine.

Next and will feature Vic Bhagat, executive vice president of Enterprise Business SolutionsyChief EMC Information Officer. Bhagat is the main driver delosproyectos internal redefinition of the company, which attendees can see first hand the challenges and benefits that digital transformation processes can bring to their businesses.

Attendees will also visit and perform a networking and knowledge sharing in the spacious booths and attend a Live Demos on the main solutions company, one of the novelties of this year.

Side events on security and information management

Based security intelligence and information management: Under the EMC Forum 2015 two parallel events that will address more specifically high interest areas at present of IT will also be held.

For the first tendency is RSA (security division of EMC) which will hold a new edition of its RSA Advanced Cyber Defense Summit. This appointment, especially aimed at security professionals, will help us understand and deepen on the latest developments and RSA security solutions based on intelligence, with the help of specialists from the company.

The aim of the conference is to share know-how of high level on current and future events cyberthreats providing attendees with alternatives and solutions to protect and defend their organizations. During the sessions topical issues will be discussed, as visibility in the advanced SOC, the Government of the identities as a key piece of security and the different models of risk control.

In turn, EMC Momentum, the company will forward the major developments around content management and technologies that are transforming the use of information in the digital age.

During sessions Momentum attendees will deepen on Project Horizon platform content management and marketplace next generation of applications that makes it easy for IT managers managing digital content. In addition, the latest content management solutions that facilitate the management of information by transforming it into a key business asset will be displayed.

More than twenty participating companies

EMC Forum 2015 will include the participation of partners and alliances EMC: Accenture, ANADAT, Atos, Brocade, BT, Cisco, Cloudera, El Corte Ingles, IPM, SCC, Pivotal, PUPPETLAB, VCE and VMware. In addition, through wholesalers EMC, Arrow ECS and Avnet will also be present Abast, Acuntia, Base 10 Colaboratic, Comparex, Dimension Data, Versia Group, Orbit and Proact.

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