Aplicaciones customers

Amazon not to diversify. What started as a web modestly selling books online from Seattle and ended up being mastodon Ecommerce added every so often a new division to your business, which is no longer focused on technology and entertainment also offer takeout, food and cleaning their own private labels and now, craftsmanship.

For thus, Handmade (in English, handmade) is the name of the new section of the Amazon website.
A release that answers, say its makers, the demands of their own customers, and whose main harmed the American website Etsy, which takes precisely ten years selling by Internet creations craftsmen using its platform, and last spring started in Exchange.

Amazon has announced that the website will, at the time of its launch, with 5,000 vendors and a catalog of 80,000 products. There will be a special section on the web for them, but they will also be shown the general search on the classic platform Amazon, and 600 will be available for quick delivery of the program will enjoy Prime subscribers.

As publisher of The Wall Street Journal, Amazon has commissioned even joining one by one from Etsy quarry (1.5 million artisans) some of which will be salesmen Handmade, a practice reminiscent of already conducted some youtubers Yahoo when he tried to tempt be incorporated into your video project.

The commission Amazon sales will be 12 Handmade, four times more than they get from Etsy purchases in its platform, 3.5 plus an additional 20 cents for every indexed product. The problem (for Etsy) is that the community of active buyers tenfold Amazon Etsy times the 22 million people use frequently on the website of the company that runs Jeff Bezos, and 40 million of them pay subscription Prime annual premium. And that could attract many artisans Seattle company.

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